Reviews of Obsolete Media
I have a thing for old audio formats. I understand why the time of magnetic tape has passed, and I do not mourn that, but that does not mean there are not interesting things and oddities that can be found at your local thrift store.
I have acquired a small collection of compact cassettes, and a few players to go with them, over the past year from thrift stores and yard sales and wherever else I can find them, but I have never really known what I was doing besides hoarding more old stuff I do not really need. And then last week, over Thanksgiving, I bought an 8-track player and cleared a small town out of cartridges (around 100). And what I should do became clear:
I must review them.
I must review them as though they were new, because most are new to me (I had never heard of The Kendalls, the subject of the first review, after all). I want to find out about record labels, because much of my collection is a decade older than I am and the catelogues may have changed owners several times. I really want to discover things that are new to me, I intend to pick things I am unfamiliar with first and leave my cassette releases from the likes of Rush or AC/DC for sometime in the future. And I hope to be able to contribute to databases on music releases to bring them to a more complete state.
Expect one music release a week. As of right now, they will all be magnetic tape based. Someday, hopefully soon, I hope to have a setup for vinyl, and then they will be thrown into the mix. I would like to write about unusual, rare or interesting VHS releases as well, but my collection is small so that will be infrequent.